Decades of research has shown us the now-undeniable links between mental health and our overall well-being. Slowly but surely, we’re beginning to overcome a long history of stigma that has prevented so many of us from seeking the mental health care we need.

Today, evidence-backed treatments are available for most any condition you may be facing, from anxiety and depression to trauma and even chronic pain. Our experts are here to guide you as you seek relief on your journey toward wholeness.

Getting the Care You Need

Request info: Get details on our services and learn how to get the help you need.

Advice from Our Experts

What is Therapy?
Dive past the stigma and media depictions to explore the healing process behind talk therapy.
Is Therapy Right for Me?
Get straightforward, practical guidance about therapy and how to make the most of it.

Take the Next Step

We know how isolating it can feel to struggle with mental health. We know how cliché “You’re not alone” sounds. But we also know that people who actually care and who can help are just one small step away. We know because we’ve lived both sides of the journey, from the patients we’ve helped to our own experiences seeking care.

So whatever step you can take today — whether it’s telling a loved one you’re struggling or making an appointment with an expert — we urge you to take it. Because we know there’s so much more to you and your life than what’s holding you back right now.

For more information, explore our mental health services or sign up for our newsletter.

If you need immediate help, call or text the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988. The phone lines are open 24/7 and answered by trained professionals.

If emergency medical care is needed, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.