Loma Linda University Medical Center seeks qualified individuals who have demonstrated commitment to the mission of LLUMC. This includes qualified applicants who have clear future commitments to participate in the medical outreach of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
All residents and fellows at LLUMC must be able to support the mission of LLUMC "to continue the healing ministry of Jesus Christ, 'to make man whole' in a setting of advancing medical science and to provide a stimulating clinical and research environment for the education of physicians, nurses, and other health professionals." Further, they must agree to be subject to the standards of conduct and ethics which are not in conflict with the ethics, principles, and philosophy of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
LLUMC will accept for consideration applications for residency or fellowship programs from qualified physicians who meet one of the following criteria in order to best evaluate applicants by the criteria referred to in paragraph one above:
- Graduates of medical schools accredited by the LCME;
- Graduates of osteopathic schools accredited by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA);
- ECFMG certified graduates of other medical schools.
LLUMC will NOT accept for consideration the applications of individuals who have violated the rules of the National Resident Matching Program. Neither will it knowingly offer a position to individuals who have terminated a training agreement without a letter of release from the institution.