Thank you for your interest in Loma Linda University Health’s Graduate Medical Education programs. We seek qualified individuals who have demonstrated commitment to the mission of Loma Linda University Health and who have clear future commitments to participate in the medical outreach of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Most of our programs participate in the:
How to Apply
Applicants must complete the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) application with a signed statement indicating that the information in the application is true. Applications from other central application services associated with match programs are also accepted for those specialties. If you are applying to a program outside of the match, you will need to fill out the Application for Graduate Medical Education Form.
Materials for All Applicants
The minimum documents that must be received by all applicants for any application service used:
- Application
- Medical school diploma
- CV
- Recommendation letters
- Official medical school transcript
- USMLE Steps 1 & 2; COMLEX I & II if applicable
Applicant Requirements
Applicants for any Loma Linda University Health residency program will:
- Possess a valid work permit prior to the date the rank order list is submitted to the matching program or prior to a position being offered which includes:
- United States citizenship
- Permanent residency
- Eligibility for a J-1 visa sponsored by ECFMG
- An existing H1-B visa for study of medicine from another US GME program
- An F-1 visa held by a medical student studying medicine in the US who requires an H1-B to continue their education
- Have successfully completed the appropriate training prescribed for beginning their specific residency or fellowship program by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).
- Have a valid certificate from ECFMG if a foreign medical degree is held.
- Consent to reference and background screenings as part of the application process.
Minimum Selection Criteria
Loma Linda University Health will accept for consideration applications for residency or fellowship programs from qualified physicians who meet the minimum selection criteria described in our Selection of Residents Policy:
- Graduates of medical schools accredited by the Liaison Council on Medical Education (LCME);
- Graduates of osteopathic schools accredited by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA);
- Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) certified graduates of other medical schools.
Loma Linda University Health will not accept for consideration the applications of individuals who have violated the rules of the National Resident Matching Program. Neither will it knowingly offer a position to individuals who have terminated a training agreement without a letter of release from the institution.
FAQ for All Applicants
How can I find the status of my application to a Loma Linda residency program?
Loma Linda receives a high volume of applications to its residency programs. It is not possible to notify every applicant of his or her application status. However, applicants who are selected for an interview will receive an interview invitation.
Should I email the program director or coordinator with my application information or to ask about the likelihood of getting an interview?
No, all applications are reviewed only on ERAS. No advice or recommendation is given over email or telephone.
Does Loma Linda accept applications from graduates of international medical schools?
We do accept international graduates. View the Selection of Residents Policy for full details.
Do your programs accept D.O. applicants?
Yes, we have several D.O.’s currently in various programs. View the Selection of Residents Policy for full details.