Each October, memorial walks are held across the nation in honor of National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.

Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital is honored to offer this remembering ceremony to our community, for families who have lost a baby from miscarriage, stillborn or in infancy. We welcome you to join us this year for A Walk to Remember, which will be on Sunday, October 13 @ 3:30 p.m. We look forward to you remembering with us throughout the month of October and forever in our hearts. Please review the following information:

  • Event is located at Loma Linda University Church.
  • Please submit your t-shirt order by Friday, September 20 to ensure your baby’s name is included on the shirt.
  • Two complimentary lanyards are given to parents who are attending for the first time. Additional lanyards can be purchased online. 
  • All orders can be picked up during on-site check-in.

Event Registration

For questions on t-shirt orders, please contact us at 909-558-3456 or email sorcasitas@llu.edu. For information on this event, please call 909-558-7261 or email griefsupport@llu.edu.

Remembrance Weekly Activities 

October is pregnancy and infant loss awareness month. Below are weekly suggestions offered to help you find unique and compassionate ways to honor your baby’s life.

Weekly Activities

Week 1: Random Acts of Kindness

Random acts of kindness are a special way to honor your baby during Pregnancy and Infant Awareness month. Our babies inspire us to be more compassionate and caring for others. 

Here are some kindness ideas for that will brighten a day, bring a smile, and warm a heart: 

  • Call someone special to you and tell them that you love them
  • Compliment the first three people you talk to today
  • Pay for the order of the person behind you in line
  • Be kind to your server
  • Reply to a social media post you enjoy
  • Write down someone else’s best qualities and send the note to them
  • Make a donation to your favorite cause (It does not have to be a lot)
  • Hold the elevator 
  • Give someone a thoughtful gift (It does not have to be expensive)
  • Write someone a thank you note
  • Tip generously
  • Send a positive message to someone each day for a week
  • Put your shopping cart back in its place
  • Leave quarters at the laundromat
  • If you are in a long line, invite the person behind you to go first
  • Ask someone how they are doing and really listen
  • Leave extra coupons by the item at the store
  • Let someone merge in front of you on the freeway
  • Give up your seat on the bus
  • Give someone a genuine compliment
  • Leave money on a vending machine for the next person who wants a snack
  • Do someone a favor
  • Send a shout-out to your co-worker who is doing a great job
  • Feed someone’s parking meter when it is getting low
  • Say thank you, a lot
  • Do the task no one else wants to do
  • Be kind to yourself and your family members; give a lot of grace

Random acts of kindness ideas, especially for kids:

  • Draw a picture for someone
  • Compliment a friend
  • Hold the door open for someone
  • Thank your teacher
  • Let someone go ahead of you in line
  • Paint small rocks and write an inspirational word on them then leave them were people can find them
  • Bury treasures at the playground
  • Tell someone how much you love them
  • Smile at 5 people
  • Let someone else have their way
  • Call a friend or relative and tell them a joke
  • Paint a positive message on a pumpkin
  • Call your grandparents to say hello
  • Put sticky notes with positive messages in random places to brighten someone’s day
  • Clear the dinner table

Fun with sidewalk chalk: 

  • Head to the park and write sweet messages to the world
  • Say hi to a neighbor
  • Write a remembering message about your baby on your driveway or sidewalk

Kindness resources for younger kids:

Readings of each of the following books can be found online on YouTube

  • Age 3-7 book, Tomorrow I Will Be Kind by Jessica Hische
  • Ages 4-12 Ordinary Mary’s Extraordinary Deed by Emily Pearson
  • Ages 5-10 Kindness is cooler Mrs. Ruler by Margery Kuyler
  • Ages 4-9 Have You Filled a Bucket Today by Carol McCloud

Kindness Resource for Older kids:

  • YouTube videos: Kindness Journal videos by Character Strong (One minute inspiration a day for 30 days)

Week 2: Random Acts of Services

A special way to celebrate pregnancy and infant loss awareness month is to serve others. In serving others we bring joy, smiles, hope, and for some, much-needed support. In giving of ourselves and our time we bring honor to the little ones gone too soon.

Here are some ideas of ways you can serve others, especially during this week:

  • Offer to run errands for someone
  • Start a fundraiser
  • Make dinner for a friend in need
  • Donate clothes to Salvation Army or another charity
  • Offer to babysit for somebody
  • Drop off cat or dog food at a local shelter If you can, donate blood
  • Take someone on a spontaneous adventure
  • Help someone struggling with a heavy bag
  • Mow a neighbor’s yard after you mow yours
  • Teach someone a skill (how to cook, how to fix something…)
  • Organize a food drive
  • Offer to pick up a neighbor’s groceries
  • Wheel your neighbor’s trash can to the curb, or back to the house
  • Write a letter to a child who needs some extra attention

Ideas especially for kids:

  • Read a book to someone
  • Empty the dishwasher/dish drainer
  • Make someone else’s bed
  • Create handmade cards
  • Wash someone’s car
  • Do a load of laundry for someone
  • Do yard work for a neighbor
  • Walk someone’s dog
  • Pick up litter
  • Make a family member breakfast in bed
  • Make someone a playlist
  • Celebrate your own “Best Friend Appreciation Day”

Week 3: Participate in Remembrance Events

Participating in special remembering ceremonies, activities and events is a way to set aside time to reflect on your baby’s life. It is also an opportunity to join together with your family and friends to remember together and create yearly traditions that center around your baby.

The LLUCH - A Walk to Remember will be held on Sunday, October 16th at 3:30 p.m. We encourage you to come be a part of this special day where we come together to honor the babies we love and miss.

Consider participating in the Wave of Light Oct. 15. On this day, parents all across the nation light a candle at 7:00 p.m. creating a wave of light around the world. See website for details: https://www.october15th.com

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness last the entire month, so you may find other support opportunities throughout your community or on the internet.

Week 4: Remembrance Activities

Creating traditions and making ongoing memories is an important part of healing and allows us to continue making bonds with our beloved baby. Finding special ways to incorporate your baby’s memory into your activities is a way to continue expressing your love. Consider creating a special activity with your baby in mind.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Go to the beach and write your baby’s name in the sand
  • Journal about your baby Write a letter to your baby
  • Drive to a special location and bury a time capsule with items that represent your love for your baby. Visit this place on meaningful dates, milestones, or whenever your heart leads
  • Plant a tree in your yard placing a rock or plaque near it with your baby’s name, a poem or something meaningful to you that reminds you of your love for your child
  • Name a star after your baby
  • Take photos of nature or things that represent your baby or your love for your baby (i.e. ladybugs, dragonflies, butterflies, stars, etc.) Frame these or add them to your memory box
  • Release a butterfly or eco-friendly balloon into the sky
  • Create a book online with the story of your baby’s life. Include photos of your baby, pregnancy, mementoes, family and any place that was a part of your baby’s life
  • Float flowers down a creek or river
  • Paint a picture that incorporates your baby’s name, words or symbols that remind you of your baby
  • Create a space in your home or yard where you can go to quiet your heart to reflect and remember
  • Plan to attend a local or online support group where you can talk about your baby