A serious problem has been identified in the adolescent population in San Bernardino County. This problem is the use of drugs and alcohol, and high risk behavior. Loma Linda University Medical Center and Children's Hospital Trauma Support Services Department found that an opportunity existed to make a change and YASP was developed.
It all begins with a hearing at the San Bernardino County Juvenile Informal Traffic Division. Clients are given an opportunity to choose between a substantial fine or pay a lesser fine and attend the Youth Alternative Solutions Program.
This option should increase an adolescent's knowledge of the effects of drugs and alcohol on the body, consequences of risky behavior with drugs and alcohol, alternative choices, the addictive process, and the self-efficacy of making life choices.
This is important because it:
- May decrease incidence of injury to adolescents.
- Provides positive behavioral choices for adolescents
- Exposes adolescents to realistic consequences of risky behaviors
- May decrease number of adolescents driving under the influence
- There are no existing hospital-based programs for adolescents in San Bernardino County.
- Current resources for driving under-the-influence citations are geared toward adults.
Program format
Session 1: Orientation
Session 2: Entrance interview
Session 3: Trauma center/surgical intensive care unit
Session 4: Coroner's presentation and visit
Session 5 & 6: Workshops 1 & 2
Session 7: Exit interview
Referral Offenses
Penal Code
- Under the influence of alcohol/controlled substances in public
Business and Professional Code
- Under 21 purchase of alcoholic beverage
- Under 21 attempt to purchase alcoholic beverage
- False identification
- Possession of alcoholic beverage by minor
Vehicle Code
- Under 18 driving under the influence; BA level .05 or more
- Driver under 21 possesses alcoholic beverage in vehicle
- Open container or storage of open container
- Bicycling while under the influence
How participants are referred
The program operates in conjunction with the county’s juvenile court system which refers adolescents, who have committed a criminal, traffic or civil offense that involved alcohol or marijuana, to the program. The program also accepts participants who have been referred by their school or by parents as a result of concerns around the adolescent’s involvement in drug and/or alcohol use.
For more information, please contact Andre Ike at [email protected] or call 909-558-4077.