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A new baby can never replace your precious baby who has died. It is important that you take the time to grieve the baby you have lost in order to move forward in welcoming a new baby in a healthy way. Only you will know when it is right to try to become pregnant again.
Pregnancy after loss can be very challenging emotionally. What would normally be a time of joy and anticipation may be a time that is complicated by fear or anxiety. It may feel confusing and difficult to be grieving for the baby you've lost while at the same time, hoping to bond with the baby you are holding so close within. Because of this, Loma Linda Children's Hospital has a support group called "Hopeful Journey, Walking the path of loss and hope" for mothers who are pregnant following the loss of a baby. This is a place where you can talk about your fears, anxieties and concerns, as well as express your hopes, dreams and excitement about being pregnant.
For more information, please email us at: or call: 909-558-4367
Registration for this free group is required. We are sorry we are unable to accommodate children at this meeting.
To receive information on dates and times for this online support group, please fill out the form below.