During Your Sleep Study
Completing a sleep study is simple since you’ll spend most of your time asleep. Meanwhile, we’ll use specialized equipment to measure how well you sleep. The study is completely non-invasive, but does require some wires to be attached to your body. Most people easily adjust to these and fall asleep comfortably.
While you sleep, our highly-trained sleep technologists monitor your brain activity, body movements, breathing patterns, eye movements and heart rhythm. Your sleep technologist is there to help if you need anything during the night.
After Your Sleep Study
Our sleep doctors use the data collected during your study to diagnose your sleep disorder. It usually takes about two weeks to get your results. If you require additional treatment, you’ll be referred to our sleep clinic.
Depending on the disorder, a team of sleep specialists is available to help build the best treatment plan for you. Our team focuses on what really works for you, giving you the rest and relief you’ve been needing.
Medical Treatments
Patients often see improvement in their sleep when using medical treatments. These treatments may include prescription medicines or use of a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine or similar device.
Because sleep apnea restricts breathing during sleep (usually due to collapsed tissues in the throat), CPAP can help treat the disorder. CPAP helps you breathe by pushing air through a wearable mask, opening those collapsed tissues while you sleep.
Behavioral Treatments
Lifestyle changes may be able to help you get better rest. Many of us don’t realize we’re damaging the quality of our sleep with bad sleep habits. We’ll help you change poor sleep habits and develop new beneficial habits, including:
- Trying to sleep only when you’re tired
- Avoiding using your phone, watching TV and reading before bed
- Going to sleep and waking up at the same times every day
- Training to overcome anxiety about sleeping
Surgical Treatments
Surgery may be needed if your sleep disorder is caused by a physical abnormality affecting a specific area in the throat. In some cases of sleep apnea, surgery may benefit you.
Our sleep specialists will work with expert surgeons to determine if surgery is a good choice for your sleep disorder. You might get the best results from a combination of surgery and other treatments.
Lifestyle Changes
You can also improve sleep quality by exercising, eating healthy, maintaining a healthy weight and taking care of your mental health. We’ll share your sleep study results with your primary care doctor, who can help you in these areas.
Take the Next Step
Ignoring sleep issues can lead to serious health issues and impact your personal and professional life. Ask your primary care doctor if a sleep study is right for you.
Sleep disorders can also affect your child’s health. If your child is having trouble sleeping or difficulty concentrating at school, visit our pediatric sleep disorders page to learn more. Then talk to your pediatrician, who can help you determine if a sleep study is right for your child.