Numerous professional organizations and accrediting bodies regularly review individual departments and services at LLUMC. The Medical Center works carefully with these organizations in order to assure the highest possible level of patient care. The Medical Center's general operations are reviewed by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations which has fully accredited the institution.
Comments, questions, concerns, and grievances
Because Loma Linda University Medical Center is committed to providing patients with the very finest possible medical care, it is important that we know our strengths and weaknesses, and how we can better serve you. When you have questions or concerns, please let your doctors, nurses, or other members of the hospital staff know immediately. A good patient is not a silent patient, but one who makes your needs known.
If you have any comments or concerns about the hospital or about any aspect of your care, even after you leave the hospital, you should contact an administrative patient representative at (909) 558-4647 who will meet with you and discuss any questions or problems. Administrative patient representatives are available 8 am-5 pm Monday-Thursday, and 8 am-2 pm on Fridays to meet with concerned patients.
Under California law (Civil Code Section 56.16) Loma Linda University Medical Center, as well as other California hospitals, can release basic information on certain patients, such as the overall condition (good, fair, serious, critical), and general information on the kinds of injuries (head injuries, internal injuries, fractures, etc.). LLUMC follows guidelines published by the California Association of Hospitals and Health Systems. These guidelines, based on the above law, prohibit release of any information on certain patients, such as psychiatric patients, and patients who request confidentiality.
Patients can request various levels of confidentiality, limiting what can be reported, and to whom. Forms are available at the admitting office.
LLUMC, as its discretion, considers all victims of crime to be confidential. This means that the presence of the patient is not confirmed to anyone, unless the patient or patient's guardians approve, even though the police, news media, or relatives report such presence.
Within this framework, Loma Linda University Medical Center is committed to insuring absolute confidentiality in all matters pertaining to every patient's medical history, condition, and prognosis. Medical Center employees work under detailed policies carefully limiting who may have access to patient medical records. Any unauthorized use, possession, or dissemination of patient information on the part of Medical Center employees is cause for dismissal and/or other disciplinary actions.
See also, privacy information.