Postgraduate Training License

A PTL will be required for all trainees participating in an ACGME accredited postgraduate training program in California in order to practice medicine as part of their training program. A PTL must be obtained within 180 days after enrollment in the program and will not be required to be renewed. It is recommended for an applicant to apply at least 6 months prior to the deadline the license is needed. 


PTL Requirements for MBC (M.D.'s)

  • Application Fee - $674. Submit payment by credit card online on BreeZe.
  • PTL Application You must apply online on BreeZe. Please do the following:
  • PTL Enrollment Form - GME Office will submit on your behalf. Please email [email protected] and state you have submitted your PTL Application.
  • Live Scan - Complete at a live scan agency within California and attach a photocopy of the completed live scan to the attachment section of your online PTL application.
  • Certificate of Completion of ACGME Postgraduate Training (if applicable) - If you have completed previous training, please request your previous program to fill out.
  • Certificate of Medical Education - Request from medical school once you submit your PTL application. GME can complete for LLU grads only. LLU grads can email [email protected] and state you have submitted your PTL Application.
  • Certified Medical School Diploma - Request from medical school once you submit your PTL application. GME can complete for LLU grads only. LLU grads can email [email protected] and state you have submitted your PTL Application.
  • Certified Medical School Transcript - Request from medical school once you submit your PTL application. The board accepts e-transcripts directly from Scrip-Safe, Parchment, or Credentials Solutions, Inc. E-transcripts must be emailed to [email protected]GME cannot complete this requirement for LLU grads.
  • USMLE Transcript (Proof of passing: Steps 1 and 2CK at minimum)
  • Updated CV or Timeline of Activities - Complete only if you've graduated over 6 months ago. Sign and date your updated CV or TOA Form.
  • ECFMG Certification Status Report - International graduates only

PTL Requirements for OMBC (D.O.'s)

  • Application Fee - $491. Submit payment by credit card on BreeZe.
  • PTL Application - You must apply online on BreeZe. Please do the following:
    • Answer the application questions.
    • Pay the licensing fee.
    • Completed Live Scan. Upload in the "Attachment" section. 
    • Photocopy of the medical school diploma. Upload in the "Attachment" section. 
    • Completed Form OMB.26 with photo. Upload in the "Attachment" section. 
    • Explanation to Application Question (OMB. EXP), if applicable. Upload in the "Attachment" section. 
  • PTL Enrollment Form - GME Office will submit on your behalf. Please email [email protected] and state you have submitted your PTL Application.
  • Live Scan - Complete at a live scan agency and attach a photocopy of the completed live scan to your online application in the attachment section.
  • Certificate of Completion of AOA or ACGME Postgraduate Training (if applicable) - If you have completed previous training, please request your previous program to fill out and email it directly to OMBC at [email protected].
  • Certified Medical School Transcript - e-transcripts are acceptable if sent directly to the OMBC at [email protected] by the osteopathic medical school. A copy issued to a student is not acceptable.
  • Medical School Diploma - Attach a photocopy to your online application in the attachment section.
  • COMLEX Transcript - Proof of passing: Levels 1-2 at minimum. Submit scores directly to OMBC.

Additional documentation required that is not submitted with the BreeZe application can be emailed to [email protected].

Transition from PTL to Physician's and Surgeon's License 

Applicants who hold a current PTL can apply to transition to a Physician and Surgeon License.  Applicants should apply at least 6 months prior to when the PTL expires or deadline the license is needed.


  • Complete 12 months of ACGME training for graduates of medical schools in the United States and Canada or 24 months of ACGME training for graduates of international medical schools
  • Proof of passing USMLE Step 3/COMLEX Level 3.
  • Demonstrate completion of 36 months of ACGME training at the time of the first license renewal.

Note: Interns who are D.O.'s must wait until after officially completing 12 months of training on June 30th to submit the license application. OMBC will not accept the license application before then.


Transition from a PTL to a Physician’s and Surgeon’s License Requirements for MBC (M.D.s)

Reduced Licensing Fee - $600.50. Submit payment by credit card online on BreeZe.

Application to Transition from a PTL to a Physician's and Surgeon's License - You must apply online on BreeZe. Please do the following:

  1. Answer the application questions.
  2. Pay the licensing fee.
  3. Explanation to Application Question (Form EXP), if applicable. Upload in the "Attachment" section 
  4. Updated CV or Timeline of Activities (Form TOA) - Upload in the "Attachment" section 

Certificate of Completion of ACGME Postgraduate Training (Form PTA/B) - GME Office will submit online on your behalf. Please email [email protected] and state you have submitted your Transition Application. 

Current Postgraduate Training Verification (Form CTV) - GME Office will submit online on your behalf. Please email [email protected] and state you have submitted your PTL Application.

USMLE Transcript - Proof of passing Step 3. Submit directly to the board.

Transition from a PTL to a Physician’s and Surgeon’s License Requirements for OMBC (D.O.s)

Application Fee and Licensing Fee - $625.00. Submit payment by credit card online on BreeZe.

Application to Transition from a PTL to a Physician's and Surgeon's License: You must apply online on BreeZe. Please do the following:

  1. Answer the application questions.
  2. Pay the licensing fee.
  3. Completed Form OMB.26 with photo. Upload in the "Attachment" section. 
  4. Completed Live Scan. Upload in the "Attachment" section. 
  5. Explanation to Application Question (OMB. EXP), if applicable. Upload in the "Attachment" section. 

Certificate of Completion of ACGME Postgraduate Training (Form OMB.25) - GME Office will submit online on your behalf. Please email [email protected] and state you have submitted your Transition Application. 

COMLEX Transcript - Proof of passing Level 3. Submit directly to the board.

Live Scan - Complete at a live scan agency and attach a photocopy of the completed live scan to your online application in the attachment section.

Additional documentation required that is not submitted with the BreeZe application can be emailed to [email protected].

Initial Physician's and Surgeon's License

Applicants who does not hold a PTL can apply for a Physician and Surgeon License if the following are met:

  • Have completed at least 12 months of ACGME training for graduates of medical schools in the United States and Canada or 24 months of ACGME training for graduates of international medical schools
  • Proof of passing USMLE Step/COMLEX Level 3. 
  • Demonstrate completion of 36 months of ACGME training at the time of the first license renewal.

An applicant eligible for a full medical license has 180 days after beginning an ACGME training program in California to obtain a physician's and surgeon's license to practice medicine in California.  An applicant should apply at least 6 months prior to deadline the license is needed.


Physician’s and Surgeon’s License Requirements for MBC (M.D.s) - Who Don't Hold a PTL and Coming From Out of State

Submit Application and Fees:

Application & Reduced Licensing Fee - $674.00 + $600.50 = $1,274.50. Submit payment by credit card online on BreeZe.

Application for a Physician's and Surgeon's License - You must apply online on BreeZe, please do the following:

  1. Answer the application questions.
  2. Pay all required fees.
  3. Attach copy of completed Request for Live Scan Service for electronic fingerprints, if you complete this physically in California. Upload in the "Attachment" section.
  4. Explanation to Application Question (Form EXP), if applicable. Upload in the "Attachment" section.
  5. Timeline of Activities (Form TOA), if applicable. Upload in the "Attachment" section.
  6. Attach supporting documents verifying request to expedite the licensing process, if applicable. Upload in the "Attachment" section.


  • Option 1: Live Scan (CA only) - Complete at a live scan agency within California and attach a photocopy of the completed live scan to the attachment section of your online license application or mail to the board.
  • Option 2: Two Fingerprint Cards (Outside of CA) - Submit two completed fingerprint cards to the board. You will need to request the fingerprint cards from the board. 

Examination Documentation:

  1. USMLE Transcript - Proof of passing Steps 1-3. 
  2. ECFMG Certification Status Report - International medical graduates only

Medical Education Documentation:

  1. Certificate of Medical Education (Form MED) - GME can complete for LLU grads only. LLU grads can email [email protected] and state you have submitted your PTL Application.
  2. Certified Copy of Diploma - GME can complete for LLU grads only. LLU grads can email [email protected] and state you have submitted your PTL Application.
  3. Official Transcript - The board accepts e-transcripts from Scrip-Safe, Parchment, or Credentials Solutions, Inc. E-transcripts must be emailed to [email protected]GME cannot complete this requirement for LLU grads.
  4. Official English Translation, if applicable. For non-English, international academic credentials.

Postgraduate Training Documentation:

  1. Certificate of Completion of ACGME Postgraduate Training (Form PTA/B) - Request from all programs you have trained at. This form can be submitted up to 30 days prior to the completion date.  
  2. Current Postgraduate Training Verification (Form CTV) - Request from your current program showing you are currently in training to qualify for the reduced license fee of $600.50, if applicable.
  3. Certificate of Completion of CODA Postgraduate Training (Form CODA1-CODA2), if applicable.

Timeline of Activities:

Updated CV or Timeline of Activities - Complete only if you've graduated medical school over 6 months ago. Sign and date your updated CV or TOA Form.

Physician’s and Surgeon’s License Requirements for OMBC (D.O.s) - Who Don't Hold a PTL and Coming From Out of State

Application Fee and Licensing Fee - $625.00. Submit payment by credit card online on BreeZe.

Application for Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Certificate - The board no longer accepts paper applications. You must apply online on BreeZe. Please do the following:

  1. Answer the application questions.
  2. Pay the licensing fee.
  3. Completed Live Scan. Upload in the "Attachment" section. 
  4. Photocopy of the medical school diploma. Upload in the "Attachment" section. 
  5. Completed Form OMB.26 with photo. Upload in the "Attachment" section. 

Certificate of Completion of ACGME Postgraduate Training (Form OMB.25) - Please fill out the applicant information and sign the form and give to your training program to complete. You must complete this form for each institution you have trained at, if more than one institution. It must be emailed directly to OMBC at [email protected].

COMLEX Transcript - Proof of passing Level 1-3. Submit directly to the board.

Certified Medical School Transcript - e-transcripts are acceptable if sent directly to the OMBC at [email protected] by the osteopathic medical school. A copy issued to a student is not acceptable.

Medical School Diploma - Attach a regular photocopy to your application 

Live Scan - Complete the fingerprint card if you are physically out of state or complete the Live Scan form for fingerprint clearance within California.

License Verification - If you have/had a full unrestricted license in another state, you must request a license verification(s) by each state agency.

Additional documentation required that is not submitted with the BreeZe application can be emailed to [email protected].

Initial License Renewal Forms


What will be the PTL application fee?

Medical Board of California: $674

Osteopathic Medical Board of California: $491

All fees are non-refundable.

Can I get reimbursed for the PTL application fee?

Reimbursement is eligible using your Educational Fund benefit if you pay for the application fee after your official start date with your Loma Linda residency program. Submit your reimbursement online on Concur for the fee after you've been charged.

Concur Login

Can I send an e-transcript to the board?


The Board accepts electronic transcripts from Scrip-SafeParchmentCredentials Solutions, Inc., and the National Student Clearinghouse. If your medical school participates in these programs, you may order medical education transcripts and designate the Medical Board of California as the recipient. All electronic transcripts must be submitted to [email protected].


Emailed transcripts are acceptable if sent directly to the OMBC at [email protected] by the osteopathic medical school. A copy issued to a student is not acceptable.

Do I have to have an SSN or ITIN to apply for a PTL?

You may start the PTL application process without furnishing a Social Security Number (SSN).

Disclosure of a United States SSN or an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is mandatory prior to the issuance of a PTL. 

First year residents who enroll in their residency program after January 1, 2020

These residents will be subject to the new law and be required to apply and be issued a PTL within 180 days of beginning their residency program.

Residents who have completed 1-2 years of residency out of state, who are enrolled in a California postgraduate residency program after January 1, 2022

These residents will be subject to the new law and be required to obtain a PTL from the Board within 180 days of beginning the California residency in order to practice medicine in their residency program. The duration of the PTL will depend on the length of their residency program.
If they have already completed one year of residency out of state and they intend to complete the remaining two years of residency in California, then their PTL will last 24 months.
If they have completed two years out of state and are enrolled in a 1 year residency program in California for their third year, their PTL will last 12 months.

Residents who have completed 3 years of residency out of state, who are enrolled in a California postgraduate residency program after January 1, 2020

Anyone who has completed 36 months of ACGME training outside of California has 180 days after beginning an ACGME training program in California to obtain a full unrestricted CA medical license to practice medicine. 

When should an applicant apply for their Postgraduate Training License?

Medical Board of California: Applicants are not required to wait until they have begun their residency training to apply for a PTL, rather they may submit an application and all supporting documents required by the Board as soon as they have confirmation of acceptance into an ACGME program.

Osteopathic Medical Board of California: Applicants may apply for their Postgraduate Training License as soon as they have graduated from medical school, completed COMLEX Level 1 and 2 and received confirmation of acceptance into an AOA or ACGME accredited California program. The licensure process can take up to 6 months to complete. Applicants should not apply for a PTL prior to graduating from osteopathic medical school, only post graduation applications will be accepted.

Is the Postgraduate Training License renewable?


The Board will issue a PTL for up to 36 months for PTL's issued on or after January 1, 2024.

Are there CME requirements while holding a PTL?

No, there are no CME requirements while in an accredited postgraduate training program on a PTL. CME requirements are required after obtaining a Physician and Surgeon license.

Can a holder of a PTL obtain an "X-License" or "Fluoroscopic Permit"?

No, the California Department of Public Health requires a full and unrestricted physician’s and surgeon’s license in order to obtain an “X-License” or “Fluoroscopic Permit.” For additional information, visit the California Department of Public Health website. 

PGY-1 to PGY-3 residents who do not hold a full and unrestricted physician's and surgeon's license will not be able to receive the California Fluoroscopy permits and thus will continue to need to be trained in radiation safety through our local process. They would then need to use fluoroscopy through the general supervision of an attending who holds the fluoroscopy permit.

What will be the Transition from PTL to Physician's and Surgeon's License Application fee?

Medical Board of California: $600.50

Osteopathic Medical Board of California: $625.00

All fees are non-refundable.

If I am currently training at a different institution within California, when should I apply for the Transition from PTL to Physician's and Surgeon's License Application?

We recommend that you apply for the Transition from PTL to Physician's and Surgeon's License Application at least six months prior to the PTL expiration date if you hold a PTL.

What will be the Initial Physician's and Surgeon's License Application fee?

Medical Board of California: $1,274.50 ($674.00 Application Fee + $600.50 Licensing Fee)

Osteopathic Medical Board of California: $625.00 ($200.00 Application Fee + $425.00 License Fee)

All fees are non-refundable.

If I am currently training outside of California, when should I apply for the Physician's and Surgeon's License Application?

We recommend that you apply for the Physician's and Surgeon's License Application at least six months prior to the the deadline of needing to obtain your license if you don't hold a PTL for California.

U.S. Graduates: If you have completed more than 12 months of training outside of California, you will need to obtain your medical license license by the 180th day of training in California.

International Medical Graduates: If you have completed more than 24 months of training outside of California, you will need to obtain your medical license license by the 180th day of training in California.

Medical Board of California Only: Do I have to pay both the application fee and the license fee when I submit my application?

If you use the BreEZe Online System to submit your application, you must pay all required fees when submitting your application.

  • Postgraduate Training License requires the application fee, $674.00.
  • Transition Application from PTL to a Physician’s and Surgeon’s License requires the reduced license fee, $600.50.
  • Physician’s and Surgeon’s License requires both the application fee and the reduced license fee, $674.00 + $600.50 = $1,274.50.

Other Resources

Continuing Medical Education Requirement

Please view the medical board's website on Continuing Medical Education for full description of requirements. 

In summary:

  1. All licensees, regardless of status as a resident or a "real" doctor in the "real" world, must complete at least 50 hours of approved CME during each biennial (2-year) renewal cycle. They do not provide proof at renewal, they just sign the statement. But if audited later, they have to provide the paperwork for verification. The Board conducts random audits throughout the year.
  2. Residents and fellows are allowed six hours of Category 1 credit for each month of residency or fellowship, with a maximum of 72 hours each year. (So, in reality, a resident who does one year of training meets the whole 50 hour/2 year requirement)
  3. For general internists and family physicians who have 25% of their patients aged 65 or old ... they must complete at least 20% of the required CME in geriatric medicine or the care of the elderly. And don't forget about the Pain Management and End of Life Care (PM/ELC) requirements --- also CME, but separate from the above requirements. The legislation that enacted this mandate was specific - the PM/ELC hours must be a separate class specific to those topics. PG training does not count towards this requirement.
  4. Pain Management/End of Life Care CME is required of all licensees, regardless of status as a resident or a "real" doctor in the "real" world, and is required within the time frames listed below:
    • Physicians with an active license before January 1, 2002, will have until December 31, 2006, to obtain the 12 hours. 
    • Physicians licensed on or after January 1, 2002, must complete the 12 hours by their second license renewal date or within four years, whichever comes first. 
    • The 12 hours can be all in one subject, or split 11/1, 10/2, 9/3, etc. 
    • Radiologist and pathologists are exempt. 
    • The 12 hours for PM/ELC can be used towards the total 50 hours/2 year requirement.

Important Notes

  • There is now a training license in California.  A Postgraduate Training License (PTL) went into effect on January 1, 2020 under Senate Bill (SB) 798. Latest revision of this regulation in 2024 is under Senate Bill (SB) 815.
  • Years of residency refers to actual years of training rather than PGY.
  • Trainees entering non-ACGME programs must possess a valid CA Medical License before starting training.
  • There is a 180 day "grace" to obtain a CA MD license if a person has just completed 36 months of ACGME training in the U.S. and going into a training program in California as a PGY-4. 
  • Visiting residents who are a M.D. and D.O. from outside California may participate in ACGME residencies as "visitors" for up to 90 days without a PTL or full medical license with the Medical Board of California or the Osteopathic Medical Board of California..

Reporting Misdemeanors and Felonies to Licensing Board

The reporting requirement is pursuant to Business and Professions Code (B&P) Section 802.1 which states:

802.1. (a) (1) A physician and surgeon, osteopathic physician and surgeon, and a doctor of pediatric medicine shall report either of the following to the entity that issued his or her license: (A) The bringing of an indictment or information charging a felony against the licensee. (B) The conviction of the licensee, including any verdict of guilty, or plea of guilty or no contest, of any felony or misdemeanor. (2) The report required by this subdivision shall be made in writing within 30 days of the date of the bringing of the indictment or information or of the conviction. (b) Failure to make a report required by this section shall be a public offense punishable by a fine not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000).

Please use the following reporting form from the Medical Board of California: Physician Reporting - Criminal Actions Form