The Plus One fellowship program allows residents of essentially any specialty to complete a preventive medicine residency in just one extra year. In addition, you’ll earn your Master of Public Health degree (MPH) either for free or with a significant discount.

We offer five tracks to choose from, depending on your career goals and interests:

  • Lifestyle medicine
  • Global service
  • Quality improvement
  • Maternal health
  • Obesity medicine


  • Completion of a prior Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) accredited residency program prior to matriculation into the Preventive Medicine Plus One program
  • Completion of at least half of a MPH degree
  • Ability to obtain a full California medical license prior to matriculation

Suggested Timeline

If you’re interested in the Plus One program and meet the prerequisites to apply, we recommend you follow the timeline below.


  • July to November: Express interest to the program directors of both your primary residency and the Preventive Medicine residency.
  • November to December: Your primary residency Clinical Competency Committee (CCC) meets and decides if you can participate in the preventive medicine Plus One program.
  • January: If you’re able to participate in the program, you’ll interview with Preventive Medicine residency.
  • February: You will be notified of acceptance into the program through the Preventive Medicine match process.
  • March to June: Apply for the School of Public Health program.


  • July: You’ll start your MPH classes in the second year of your primary residency program.

How to Apply

Please submit your application through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) to the Loma Linda University Health Education Consortium Public Health and General Preventive Medicine Program. Please indicate that you are interested in the Plus One pathway in your personal statement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you participate in the match?

The Plus One Fellowship does not participate in the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP).

How much does the MPH cost?

Current Loma Linda University Health residents will receive free tuition for their MPH. If you’re in the maternal health track, you will receive MPH funding through a grant even if you’re a resident outside the LLU system.

For other residents outside the LLU system, the first half of the MPH will be about $25,000*. The remainder of the MPH will be completed as a LLU resident in preventive medicine and the tuition will be free.

*This is an estimate, actual costs will vary. Non-LLU residents who are graduates of the LLU School of Medicine will receive a 30% discount on tuition.

MPH Plan 

Two years before Preventive Medicine Plus One program

Summer Fall Winter Spring
  PMED 551 (4 units) PMED 552 (4 units) PMED 553 (4 units)
Ethics (3 units)

Total: 12 units

One year before Preventive Medicine Plus One program

Summer Fall Winter Spring
  PMED 554 (4 units) PMED 555 (4 units)
Seminar (2 units)
PMED 556 (4 units)

Total: 17 units
Total completed prior to Plus One year: 29 units (must complete at least half of 56 units)

Preventive Medicine Plus One program year

Summer Fall Winter Spring
  PCOR 501 (5 units) PMED 521 (4 units) PCOR 502 (5 units) PMED 522 (4 units) PCOR 503 (5 units) PMED 523 (4 units)

Total: 27 units
Total completed for entire program: 56 units