What our leadership is saying
Our residency program in preventive medicine and public health is one of the strongest programs in the country. We emphasize clinical training and remain national leaders in the field of lifestyle medicine.
Our aim is to prepare exemplary preventive medicine physicians who are dedicated to the principles of health promotion, disease prevention and population medicine.
Among preventive medicine training programs, we are particularly distinguished by our emphasis on clinical prevention and lifestyle medicine. We provide many lifestyle medicine training opportunities and excel in training physicians who can address the chronic disease pandemics of obesity, diabetes and tobacco dependence.
We train physicians to treat individuals and populations, improve health systems, conduct prevention research and serve in local and global settings.
Residents work in a variety of settings, including:
We have many research opportunities in the area of lifestyle medicine. Time performing research is not only required, but fully supported and protected.
In the one year fellowship track, we offer concentrations in quality improvement, lifestyle medicine, maternal health, obesity medicine or global health.
Our residency program in preventive medicine and public health is one of the strongest programs in the country. We emphasize clinical training and remain national leaders in the field of lifestyle medicine.
With your help, we can make ambitious innovations in clinical care and education for our community.