Loma Linda University Health’s Advanced Imaging and Microscopy Core provides imaging resources to our cancer researchers. Its resources have been included in multiple grant applications, providing tangible impact on our research efforts.
Imaging Resources for Cancer Research
There are a number of advanced imaging technologies available at the facility. Cancer researchers are able to capture, analyze and edit high resolution images using sophisticated tools, technologies and software, including:
- Two upright wide-field epifluorescence and bright-field microscopes for routine imaging.
- An inverted laser scanning confocal microscope for more advanced imaging.
- An upright microscope with camera.
- A Zeiss stereomicroscope.
- Two dedicated offline analysis workstations.
Confocal Microscopy
Laser scanning confocal microscopy has transformed imaging by enabling a multidimensional look at tissues. Multispectral analysis and multiphoton abilities allow for outstanding visualization and information extraction.
Today, our researchers have the ability to manipulate and derive information not previously possible. Using this technology we’re able to expand our knowledge of cancer cell and tissue structure and function.
Supporting Varied Research Across Disciplines
The facility has far-reaching value to basic science researchers, translational scientists and clinical scientists across many disciplines, including oncology. The facility’s goal is to serve the research, training and education needs of investigators and staff.
Support Services
Accessibility in research is a top priority for the staff at the facility. In addition to imaging resources, the facility provides complete support services for researchers through its friendly, expert staff. These services make the full range of the facility’s capabilities available to both new and seasoned cancer researchers.
- Training for microscopy systems and image analysis software.
- Referrals for sample preparation, staining and immunohistochemistry processing.
- Open door policy for help with any type of imaging technique, even those unavailable at the facility.