Nerve Pain vs. Muscle Pain — Is there a Difference? April 6, 2017 Surprisingly, yes! Our bodies are meant to feel some form of pain at one time or another. Whether we want to or not, th
4 Exercises to Reduce Chronic Nerve Pain April 4, 2017 Do you suffer from nerve pain? Well, it’s time to knock it out. Give your chronic nerve pain the one two punch with the
6 Food Do’s & Don’ts to Minimize Nerve Pain March 30, 2017 Living with chronic, stabbing pain in your arms, hands, legs, or feet? Smarter eating habits could reduce nerve pain.
Diabetic Nerve Pain…What You Need to Know March 28, 2017 It’s all too familiar — that tingling, burning or stabbing sensation — in your legs and feet (maybe even your arms and h
10 Signs You May Be Suffering from Nerve Pain March 21, 2017 Do your arms, hands, legs or feet hurt? Is your entire body suffering from a stabbing, throbbing, or numbness?
My Story February 1, 2017 I grew up working with my dad who was a physical therapist in a small private practice clinic. After watching him care f