doctor and patient talking
By Dr. Bussell - February 12, 2020

You hurt. You hurt a lot, and the pain is frequent. As a result, you’ve conducted research and discovered your pain symptoms matched common signs of nerve pain. Empowered with that information, you begin taking steps to ease your neuropathy by making healthier lifestyle choices and working with a physician to identify the cause of your pain.  

Upon completing several examinations, you receive an official diagnosis of neuropathy from your primary care physician. Your questions have been answered, you’ve discussed different treatment options and have decided that Intraneural Facilitation or INF™  is a fit for you. You’ve made your appointment and now you want to know: what comes next? 

In that spirit, here are three things to expect out of your first office visit to Loma Linda University Health’s Neuropathic Therapy Center. 

1. A thorough discussion of your pain history

For your first appointment, I recommend you bring your medical files, notes and be prepared to talk about your pain history. Topics you will discuss with your therapist will include your symptoms, timeline for your pain and severity. Additionally, the therapist may ask questions about physical, nutritional and lifestyle factors that can be contributing to your pain symptoms. The more information you can provide in this session, the better the therapist will be able to understand your pain needs.

2. Partake in a sensory exam

A sensory exam tests neurological performance. Typically, this detailed examination includes a balance test, a pain and light touch test, strength assessment, temperature, and vibration testing. This will help the therapist customize a treatment plan for your specific pain-needs. In addition to INF™, patients will receive a comprehensive plan that includes exercises, a nutrition guide, and other pain management recommendations.

3. First tailored therapy session

Upon finishing the sensory exam, you will have your first INF™ session. While the treatment plan varies patient to patient, INF™ is a noninvasive therapy that stimulates healing the nerves by improving blood flow to them. Utilizing three unique holds, tiny openings occur in the arteries surrounding the nerves allowing blood to flow to the nerves. We have found that more than 75% of patients begin to feel relief and experience improved flexibility after their first treatment. 

In following the traditions of Loma Linda University Health, we are committed to a whole-person approach to your pain. We want you to succeed in leading a healthy and pain-free life. Our goal for your first visit is to provide you quality treatment and empower you with the necessary tools to get you on that path. 

Take the Next Step

If you’re suffering from nerve pain, our Neuropathic Therapy Center may be able to help using a breakthrough physical therapy treatment called Intraneural Facilitation or INF.™ For more information and to schedule an evaluation, call 909-558-6799 or request information online.

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