Our curriculum prepares residents to be well-trained specialists in obstetrics and gynecology. Residents are immersed in settings where the need to address community healthcare disparities is readily apparent.
Curriculum Highlights
- PGY-1 residents received early exposure to gynecologic surgery procedures with rotations in Benign Gynecology and Gyn-Oncology.
- At our primary academic teaching hospital, residents experience a comprehensive approach to women’s healthcare and all traditional OB-GYN specialties (REI, FPMRS, MFM and GYN-Oncology).
- One quarter of residency training is spent addressing healthcare disparities in a county hospital setting at neighboring Riverside University Health System.
- Continuity clinics are housed at the multidisciplinary SAC Health System in San Bernardino. This Federally Qualified Health System (FQHS) provides residents further opportunities for training in healthcare disparities.
- Our state-of-the art simulation center provides hands-on simulation training for all OB-GYN residents in obstetric emergencies.
- Monthly GYN simulations reinforce GYN technical skills and provide preparation for the Essentials in Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery (EMIGS) exam.
- Weekly resident didactics cover a wide variety of conferences, including grand rounds, stats conferences, journal clubs, research curriculum, resident and faculty-led lectures, and hands-on procedural training.
Program Curriculum
International Health Rotation
The OB-GYN Residency program now sends its residents to a one month rotation in Malawi, Africa. The Malamulo Adventist Hospital is a rural tertiary-care facility that provides a learning environment from which our residents will gain a deeper understanding of obstetrics and gynecology in the context of international health. Residents will practice and provide women's health care in a resource limited setting.
Some of the learning objectives for this rotation include:
- Learn about the risks and benefits of operative versus non-operative treatment in a limited resource environment
- Show compassion and integrity in the care of patients
- Learn how to utilize resources wisely and effectively to treat the most patients
- Tailor treatment plans for a resource challenged environment
- Communicate with patients and their families in easily understood and culture-sensitive language
In the video below, 2017 OB-GYN resident graduates Malcolm Hardy and An Pham talk about their experiences while on this rotation.