CareLink is a free, secure web portal that offers community physicians, their staff, and authorized external organizations access to certain health information for their referred and admitted patients. Through CareLink, we'll keep you informed about your patients' treatment at LLUH, and you'll have the information you need to plan ongoing care.
To request access, please complete the following form and one of our representatives will contact you.
By Submitting This Form: I acknowledge that I am voluntarily providing my personal information to Loma Linda University Health. I understand that in order to keep my health information private, I will abstain from using this form to provide details about my medical condition or that of the individual I am requesting information for. I will limit the amount of information shared on this form to only my contact information in order to receive the requested information. I understand that I may contact Loma Linda University Health directly at [email protected] in case I need to discuss confidential or private information. I further understand that I may be contacted by a representative from LLUH in response to my inquiry via telephone or mail. I understand LLUH will not respond via email when communicating confidential or private information.