New Beginnings

The Physician Gallery is a 46 photo exhibit in the original medical center A-level employee entrance, and highlights the work of our physicians, residents and medical students at Loma Linda University Health.

Physicians, residents, medical students, and emeritus physician faculty are invited to contribute to the next exhibit that will be titled, New Beginnings. We would like to feature photography that illustrates the importance of engaging in non-work aspects of life that contribute to physician wellbeing. This may be photos of projects you are working on such as woodworking, quilting, cooking, hiking, photography, or that represents a hobby, etc. It would be great to have photos of participants within the photo itself. If you need someone to take a high resolution photograph of you engaged in your hobby, contact Dr. Barbara Hernandez.


Photos must be of adequately high resolution so that they can be reproduced as 14 X 11 inch prints, with sharp, crisp clarity and focus.

How to Submit

Please save your photo with a brief explanation of the photograph/hobby to a digital platform such as Google Photos or Dropbox and give access permission for Dr. Pierre Scott and/or Dr. Barbara Hernandez. The Office of Physician Vitality will have your photos professionally printed and you will be given them after the exhibit changes.

You are welcome to submit up to four photographs.


Submissions will be accepted until we have reached capacity for the exhibit.