The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most urgent public health crises in generations.

While Loma Linda University Health is doing everything we can to address our community's healthcare needs, we need your help more than ever before. Unfortunately, the federal aid hospitals are receiving will not alone be enough to meet community needs.

What We're Doing

Our highest priority will always be the health and safety of our patients, employees, students and community. That means taking measures to protect those we serve, even when doing so puts extreme strain on our organization. The measures we're taking during this pandemic include:

  • Expanding our capacity to care for the surge of additional patients
  • Providing vaccine protection from COVID-19 that will help end the pandemic
  • Expanding diagnostic and testing capacity and providing community vaccination sites
  • Providing student relief aid, particularly to those from lower socio-economic backgrounds and underrepresented communities, to continue their education and become the next generation of healthcare providers

How You Can Help

You can change the course of this crisis today. When you donate to the areas below, you help us provide the lifesaving services our community desperately needs right now.

Join Loma Linda University Health in the fight to save lives

How You Can Help

COVID-19 Clinical Care Fund

Your gift helps provide lifesaving medical care and protect our patients, staff and community. When you give, you help us:

  • Support patient and family care
  • Provide social services, including counseling, family support and spiritual aid
  • Replenish patient care equipment and supplies
  • Expand diagnostic and testing capacity
  • Support extended staff time and benefits for healthcare heroes fighting COVID-19

Give now

COVID-19 Student Relief Fund

Because of the pandemic, Loma Linda University students are struggling to make it through unexpected financial hardship. Many students and their family members have lost income they depend on to cover living expenses. Your gift helps students continue their education and become the next generation of healthcare providers. You can help us support students struggling with:

  • Food, housing and other living expenses
  • Tuition fees
  • Technology and other expenses for distance learning

Give now

Donate Supplies

Keeping our healthcare workers safe and healthy is critical to ensuring we have the capacity to care for the community. You can help by donating new and unused critical care supplies, including personal protective equipment (PPE).

  • Homemade masksIf you are interested in making masks for our staff, please consult this website for information. Please deliver your homemade masks by mail or in person as noted below.
  • Masks (N95, surgical, and procedure)
  • Disposable gloves
  • Disinfecting wipes such as Clorox or Sani-cloth wipes
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Face shields
  • Goggles and eye shields
  • Isolation or surgical gowns
  • CAPR/PAPR machines and disposables
  • Flocked swabs
  • Oxygen manifolds
  • Portable cots
  • Privacy screens
  • Ventilators
    • Avea
    • Puritan Bennett 840
    • LTV
    • Flight pack 60
    • Adult and baby pack

There are two ways to donate PPE and other supplies:

PPE donation drop-off in person:
125 E. Club Center Drive
San Bernardino, CA 92408
(back of building at southwest corner)

Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

PPE donations by mail:
Loma Linda University Medical Center
Attention Kent Broersma, Warehouse
125 E. Club Center Drive
San Bernardino, CA 92408

For questions about an in-kind donation
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 909-558-4379 x51423

Donate Meals

If you would like to donate meals to our healthcare workers, please call 909-558-4000 ext. 33582 and our team will be happy to help in coordinating delivery and distribution.


Sponsor Specific and Immediate Needs

We are regularly updating clinical and student aid needs as this pandemic evolves. For more information about sponsoring a specific medical, equipment or student aid need, please contact us at 909-558-5010.