For Research Professionals

If you are searching for behavioral health research opportunities and looking to make a difference in improving mental health and substance use care, we're looking for you. We have several mental health research opportunities with the goal of applying the newfound knowledge to enhance the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness and substance use.

To Conduct Research

  1. Obtain and complete the Loma Linda University Institutional Review Board Application with all appropriate attachments. To download the form and template documents, go to the Research Affairs web site and click on the online forms and tools page. Select the appropriate IRB application.

  2. Submit the IRB application and the Request to Conduct Research at Loma Linda University Behavioral Medicine Center form for approval by the Loma Linda University Behavioral Medical Center research committee.

  3. Once the research proposal is approved by BOTH the Behavioral Medicine Center research committee and the Institutional Review Board, investigator(s) are required to supply the Behavioral Medicine Center research committee with a brief report of the progress being made on the project.

  4. Upon completion of the project, investigator(s) are required to submit a written summary of the results and conclusions of the project to the committee. Please see the Researcher's Checklist for further guidance.

For more information on research activities or collaboration efforts, please contact:

Brian Distelberg, PhD
Director of Research