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Dr. Dong received her BA from Nankai University, her Masters in Biophysics from the China Medical School, China and her PhD in physiology from University of Bristol, UK. She also completed postdoctoral fellowship training in Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery at Columbia University respectively. Dr. Dong's research interest is to explore how the peripheral auditory system works and focuses on the understanding of signal processing of sound in the ear in both forward and reverse propagation directions under normal and pathological conditions. Her research program provides physiological measurements of the activities of the outer, middle, and inner ear at micro-mechanics level, thus, provides evidence pertinent to some long-existing fundamental questions. The ultimate goal of Dr. Dong's research is to guide and improve clinical diagnoses and treatment, with the aim of establishing improvements in the design of assistive-listening devices. Her current research focuses on acoustic emissions (OAEs) and related middle ear transmission and cochlear mechanisms.
Dr. Jung completed his medical degree at Loma Linda University School of Medicine and then went on to residency at the University of Minnesota. He is responsible for the otology training of our residents at the Jerry L. Pettis Memorial Veterans Affairs Medical Center on a weekly basis. In addition, he supervises their temporal bone dissection bench work at the temporal bone lab at the VA Hospital. He directs and supervises the residents in their efforts in basic research projects. Within the past five years Dr. Jung has over 35 manuscripts published in scientific journals. He has over 10 research grants and has research projects in "Inflammatory Mediatros in Otitis Media and Inner Ear Function" and "Ciliary Abnormality and Dysfunction in the Pathogenesis of Radiation Induced Otitis Media with Effusion." Dr. Jung is also featured in Who's Who in America, in the West, Science and Technology, and World.
Dr. Leek received her PhD in 1980 in speech and hearing sciences from the University of Kansas. Following graduation, she completed a Clinical Fellowship Year in Audiology, and subsequently, a postdoctoral research fellowship at Boys Town National Research Hospital. She has held academic appointments at Arizona State University and the University of Minnesota, and served for many years as Senior Researcher at the Army Audiology & Speech Center, Walter Reed Army Medical Center. She has received continuous extramural funding of her laboratory since 1989 through the National Institutes of Health, and the VA Rehabilitation and Research Development Service. Dr. Leek's research interests include auditory perception of complex sounds and speech by normal-hearing and hearing-impaired individuals; speech recognition in noise; modeling of the auditory system; auditory attentional mechanisms; and comparative auditory processes across species.
Dr. Leek is a fellow of the Acoustical Society of America and the American Academy of Audiology, and a member of a number of professional societies that represent research in the basic and clinical sciences of hearing. She serves on the editorial board of Ear & Hearing, one of audiology's premier journals. She has also served numerous times on NIH grant review panels and has mentored many residents, postdocs, graduate students and junior investigators.
Dr. Lonsbury-Martin received her BA from the University of Victoria, her Masters in neuroscience/cell biology from the University of Oregon Medical School, and her PhD in biopsychology from Oregon Health and Science University. She also completed postdoctoral fellowship training in psychobiology and in physiology and biophysics at the University of California, Irvine and the University of Washington, respectively. Her research interests include the early detection of hearing loss using physiological measures of ear function, basic mechanisms of noise-induced hearing loss, the role of the cochlear efferent system in protecting the ear from noise damage, and cochlear plasticity. Her research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health.
Dr. Lonsbury-Martin is a fellow of the Acoustical Society of America and a member of a number of professional societies that represent research in the basic and clinical sciences of hearing. Dr. Lonsbury-Martin also serves on the editorial boards of a number of journals in the hearing science and audiology areas and on the review panels of several private foundations that fund research on hearing loss and tinnitus.
With your help, we can make ambitious innovations in clinical care and education for our community.