Our program aims to train highly skilled residents for the comprehensive practice of occupational medicine with a focus on wholeness. You’ll graduate prepared for various settings, including private and group clinical practices, managed health care organizations, corporate and industrial medical departments, and public health organizations.
Program Highlights
- Regional leaders: Ours is one of only two occupational medicine residencies in Southern California.
- Clinical training: You receive extensive clinical training at one of the few clinically-based OEM programs in the U.S.
- PGY-1 track: We’re the only program in the U.S. offering an integrated intern year with clinical training. You’re guaranteed a training position in the residency without the need for a second application.
Program Components
- Excellent clinical training prepares you for real-world occupational medicine settings.
- Tailor your training with a range of academic and practicum opportunities to meet personal educational objectives.
- Complete a master’s degree in public health with waived tuition.
- Spend one day a week in the Cal/OSHA rotation for up to two months. You’ll participate in worksite evaluations, prepare investigation reports and conduct research on work hazards and safety. Interact, consult and collaborate in research with faculty at the School of Medicine, the School of Public Health, Cal/OSHA and the VA Loma Linda Healthcare System.
Our program has three primary training sites:
- Occupational medicine clinics and related specialty clinics, where you have the opportunity to experience up to 24 months of hands-on clinical training.
- VA Loma Linda Healthcare System, which covers 16 months of rotation time.
- Loma Linda University Medical Center, which covers 8 months of rotation time.
You’ll have the opportunity to select and rotate through an interesting variety of clinical specialty rotation sites, including:
- Preventive medicine
- Orthopedic surgery
- Toxicology
- Other specialty care at both the Medical Center and VA Loma Linda Healthcare System
- Cal/OSHA for one day a week up to two months.
During PGY-3, you may devote four to eight hours per week to a senior research project. Example areas of focus include:
- Biostatistics
- Environmental health
- Toxicology