Loma Linda University Health offers nurses a variety of career development and learning opportunities to develop clinical and leadership skills and improve healthcare delivery. We provide empowered, lifelong learning through the creation of partnerships with individuals. Our Staff Development department helps employees design approaches that align with their identified needs and delivers the education necessary to help them meet their goals.
Development Opportunities
New Graduate Nursing Residency
We know that making the transition from the classroom to independent practice is an important milestone in a nurse's career. We are committed to supporting new graduate nurses who choose to work in our health system through our new graduate residency programs. Our year-long programs offers a variety of experiences that enhance the critical thinking and decision making required of new nurses. We do this through hands-on clinical practice, didactical content, skills application, peer-support, educational opportunities, and mentorship. This program is designed to launch you into a successful career here at Loma Linda University Health.
Learn more about the Nursing Residency Program at Loma Linda University Medical Center.
Learn more about the RN Residency at Loma Linda University Children's Health.
Nursing Certification
LLUH recognizes the importance of professional certification on the professional growth and development of our nurses.
Mentor Program
Our voluntary mentor program was established to encourage employees to take ownership of their professional growth. The program involves one-to-one interaction with a mentor and employs the mentor’s experience and achievements. It will assist the mentee in acquiring knowledge, skill and behaviors reflective of professional development.
Preceptor Program
Preceptors serve as the entry level into leadership. Through the preceptor program, preceptors lead, inspire and support learning and help retain our employees.
Nursing Degrees
Since 2016 we have increased the number of nurses acquiring their BSN by 13% at LLUMC and 19% at LLUCH. Our collaboration with LLU School of Nursing has provided support for our nurses seeking higher education.
Through leadership and clinical nurse engagement, the number of nurses attaining national certifications has increased by 141 nurses. This reflects an increase in our Children's Hospital by 30 nurses and in our Adult Services by 111 nurses over 2 years.
Clinical Advancement Program
The Clinical Advancement Program (CAP) at Loma Linda University Health (LLUH) recognizes and rewards clinical nurses as they take the initiative to advance their personal and professional development skill sets. CAP utilizes Patricia Benner’s Novice to Expert Theory, which highlights a nurse’s development of skills and an understanding of patient care over time from a combination of a strong educational foundation and personal experiences. As clinical nurses progress through CAP, a Clinical Nurse D (CN-D) is one who has demonstrated an advanced level of knowledge, skills, and attitude. Excellence in nursing is a dynamic process, based in both the art and science of nursing.