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AHP: Allied Health Professional. An individual, other than a licensed physician, dentist or podiatrist, who holds a valid license, certificate or other legal credentials, as required by California law, that authorizes the individual to provide patient care services in collaboration with a with a physician, dentist or podiatrist. Based on their valid license, certificate or other legal credential, an AHP at LLUMC will be classified as a Limited License Independent Practitioner (AHP-LLIP) or a Dependent Practitioner (AHP-DP).
Allied Health Staff: Those Allied Health Professionals who are neither employees nor, eligible for Medical Staff membership, but have been granted "Practice Privileges" by the Medical Staff to provide patient care services in collaboration with a physician, dentist or podiatrist member of the Medical Staff.
Approving Bodies: Hospital Board of Trustees.
Credentialing: The process in which all information on the practitioner's application is primary source verified and approved.
Faculty Appointment: Academic appointment correlated through the Loma Linda University School of Medicine or Loma Linda University School of Dentistry.
FMO: Faculty Medical Offices.
LLUMC: Loma Linda University Medical Center.
LLUBMC: Loma Linda University Behavioral Medicine Center.
LLUHC: Loma Linda University Health Care.
Medical Staff: The formal organization of all licensed physicians, dentists, and podiatrists who are privileged to attend patients.
MSA: Medical Staff Administration. Medical Staff Administration provides professional support to the Medical Staff and processes all applications for Medical Staff membership and privileges for LLUMC, LLUBMC, LLUHC and LLUMC-Murrieta.
Practice Privileges: The permission granted by the Medical Staff to an AHP to render specific diagnostic or therapeutic services to patients within the individual AHP's legal scope of practice, qualifications, and competency, and when such services by an AHP are within the rules and limits established.
Primary Source Verification: JCAHO and NCQA credentialing require verification from the primary source of information on the application. For more information refer to the application process.
Privilege Delineation: Definition of the physician/practitioner's scope of practice.
Privileges: The permission granted to a Medical Staff Member to render specific diagnostic, therapeutic, medical, dental, podiatric, or surgical services.
Reappointment: JCAHO requires re-evaluation of competency and activities at least every two years after the initial appointment.
Recommending Bodies: Credentialing Committee, and Medical Staff Executive Committee.
With your help, we can make ambitious innovations in clinical care and education for our community.