The Security Department has a strong commitment to provide a balanced approach to ensure a safe environment while providing services for our customers, patients, students and staff.

Weapons Possession Policy

The Medical Center prohibits the possession or use of a weapon on Medical Center property. "No patient, visitor, or unauthorized employee shall be allowed to have in his/her pos­session while on the Medical Center premises, any firearms or any illegal weapons as defined by the California Penal Code". There are numerous local, state, and federal laws pertaining to the pos­session, use, and carrying of weapons. The Medical Center adheres to these laws and will provide evidence for prosecution of those persons found violating those laws. If there are any questions in regard to weapons on campus, con­tact the Security Department at 11206 Campus St, Suite A, Loma Linda or call 909-558-5419, ext. 55419.


The Medical Center operates its own security force to ensure the protection and safety of patients and visitors at all times. All parking lots and public areas are routinely monitored by security officers. An escort service is available to walk people to their cars after dark. Call security at 909-558-4320.