Robotic surgery empowers people to get past the physical aspects of their cancer. It may allow you to recovery more quickly and return to your normal self — physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Why Choose Us for Robotic Cancer Surgery

  • Unmatched expertise: Our surgeons do more robotic surgeries each year than any other teaching hospital west of the Mississippi.
  • Benefits of minimally invasive robotic surgery: Robotic surgery uses smaller incisions and more precise movement to reduce damage to surrounding healthy tissues. You may experience a faster recovery, shorter hospital stay, quicker return to daily activities, less pain, smaller scars, less blood loss, and lower risk of unwanted side effects.
  • Whole person care: Our surgical oncologists specialize in caring for the whole person, not just a cancer diagnosis. You’ll find resources that support your physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Services We Offer


  • Robotic prostate cancer surgery
  • Kidney cancer surgery and kidney donor surgery
  • Partial nephrectomy, for removal of kidney tumors
  • Bladder cancer surgery


  • Robotic hysterectomy, for treating ovarian and uterine cancers


  • Lower anterior resection, or removal of the rectum usually due to rectal cancer
  • Colectomy, or removal of the large intestine usually due to cancer
  • Gastrectomy, or removal of all or part of the stomach usually due to cancer